*All pricing is subject to change and items are based on individual store availability. Bundle prices listed are AVERAGES, and may vary based on final weights. All bundles are fixed, no substitutions. For more information contact one of our locations listed below. To ensure fastest service, please call ahead when ordering a meat bundle. MARKET PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME.



Wholesale Pricing

Whether you are a local meat locker in need of additional raw material, restaurant trying to reduce your food costs, hunter getting ready to process wild game or a large family with many mouths to feed… take a look at our big box case price savings!

Meat Lodge offers case pricing on many of our products!  Call the store nearest you for more information on bulk quantity pricing.



Contact Your Local Meat Lodge For More Details!

*All pricing is subject to change and items are based on individual store availability. Bundle prices listed are AVERAGES, and may vary based on final weights. All bundles are fixed, no substitutions. For more information contact one of our locations listed below. To ensure fastest service, please call ahead when ordering a meat bundle.