Blackberry Chipotle Tri-Tip

Beef Tri Tip – Have you tried it?

The tri-tip roast or steak is the 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 pounds of meat that sits at the bottom of the sirloin. Not only does it have a rich flavor, but also tends to be lower in fat than most other cuts. Of course, this means that it can dry out faster, but with a good marinade you really can’t go wrong with this cut.

The versatility of tri-tip is another factor that makes them great. Uncut, it is a fantastic roast that should be grilled indirectly for 30 to 40 minutes. You can also cut the tri-tip into 1-inch thick steaks, that grill up in about 8 minutes over a low to medium direct heat. As always, let your steak (or roast) sit for 5 to 10 minutes before you carve or serve it.

Blackberry Chipotle Tri-Tip Recipe


  • 1 (2-2 1/2 pound) tri-tip roast, trimmed of excess fat
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/3 teaspoon cups blackberry preserves
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 canned chipotle pepper, minced
  • 1 tablespoon adobo from canned chipotle


  1. Season roast with salt and pepper. Preheat half of grill to medium high.
  2. Whisk together preserves, vinegar, chipotle and adobo to create a glaze. Set aside 1/4 cup of glaze for a finishing sauce.
  3. Sear roast 3-5 minutes per side; move to indirect heat and liberally apply glaze to both sides.
  4. Finish cooking roast over indirect heat (keeping grill around 350°F) for 35-45 minutes (or until 135°F internal temperature for medium doneness), basting with blackberry glaze once more during cooking.
  5. Rest 10 minutes on carving board before slicing thinly against the grain. Serve with remaining glaze.